Emotion Code
The Emotion Code is the simplest way to get rid of your emotional baggage, helping you feel freer, happier and healthier!
The technique was created and refined by a chiropractor, Dr. Bradley Nelson, who realized that his patients’ aches and pains were more than just physically based- they were emotional. Dr. Nelson coined the phrase “trapped emotions” – negative energies that become trapped in the body during intense emotional events. Because the body is actually made of pure energy, the negative energy of trapped emotions can exert a damaging force on the body, which worsens over time.
I can help you discover and release your trapped emotions, which will help your body’s natural ability to heal itself, often resulting in a reversal of the disease process and a disappearance of emotional and physical ailments. The Emotion Code has been able to help all kinds of difficulties, including but not limited to all those listed below.
The Emotion Code is non-invasive, totally safe and requires little effort on your part. No dredging up the past is required. Everything discussed or discovered is always confidential.
The subconscious mind is the ultra intelligent computer system of the body; it knows just what you need to do to be healthy and happy. The Emotion Code uses specific questioning and muscle testing (kinesiology) to get answers from the subconscious about trapped emotions that need to be cleared. As soon as a trapped emotion is identified, it is ready to be released.
To do this, The Emotion Code combines 2 important elements: the modern technology of therapeutic magnets and the Ancient principles of Chinese Medicine. A magnet acts as a powerful carrier for the practitioner’s intention to release the emotion. If that magnetically charged intention energy is placed into the body via the Governing Meridian (a major energy channel in the acupuncture system), it is blasted through the body instantly and releases the emotion!
Most people say The Emotion Code helps them feel lighter and more free, but we frequently see the immediate disappearance of major health and emotional issues too! Your results will depend on how many trapped emotions you have and how quickly your body responds after they are removed.
Releasing trapped emotions helps restore balance to the body- so your body’s natural healing ability will be allowed to return. This means you will be able to recover gently from your ailments and gain a stronger immune system too!
One of the best parts of The Emotion Code is removing the Heart-Wall. It is estimated that 93% of the human population have a literal wall around the heart made of multiple layers of trapped emotional energy. The Heart-Wall is created by the subconscious mind in order to protect the heart from grievous injury, and it’s a good thing we have this protective mechanism when we need it. The problem is that having a Heart-Wall is like living in a bomb shelter- it’s nice to have its protection while the bombs are falling, but if you have it forever you’ll end up feeling disconnected and unfulfilled!
Have you ever felt this way? Like you were on the outside looking in? Have you felt blocked from giving or receiving love? Have you had much difficulty recovering from loss? A divorce? Abuse?
If so, you likely have a Heart-Wall. The good news is that clearing it is easy and can be life-changing! Don’t wait any longer to get rid of your Heart-Wall and open your heart to feeling true love & happiness again. A fun, beautiful life is just around the corner and I can help you create it!
The first step is to set up an appointment! We will start with a consultation. You can decide if you want to move more slowly, or choose to dive right in with releasing. I will support you in whatever direction you want to go, and during your first appointment we can discuss the options to either target a particular physical or emotional problem, a situation you’d like to improve or you can keep it more general and request to address imbalances that are preventing you from achieving total wellness or your true potential. You can use the Emotion Code on anything.
The process is simple and fast, but also effective and long- lasting. You don’t need to know much about how the technique works – you just need to be ready and willing to heal!
I provide healing sessions at my facility in Timonium, MD and remotely by phone and Video chat.
For more details see my Contact/Address page and my Distance healing page.
Acid Reflux, ADD/ADHD, Addiction, Allergies, Anxiety, Arthritis, Asthma, Back Pain, Bedwetting, Bell’s Palsy, Blood Pressure Problems, Cancer, Carpal Tunnel, Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Infections, Constipation, Crohn’s Disease, Depression, Diabetes, Digestive Problems, Eating Disorders, Erectile Dysfunction, Fibromyalgia, Frigidity, Headaches, Hip Pain, Hormonal Problems, Hypoglycemia, Impotency, Infertility, Insomnia, Irritable Bowel (IBS), Knee Pain, Learning Disabilities, Lupus, Morning Sickness, Multiple Sclerosis, Neck Pain, Night Terrors, Obesity/Overweight, Organ Malfunction, Panic Attacks, Parkinson’s Disease, Phobias, PTSD, Sciatica, Sinus Problems, Skin Problems, Tennis Elbow, Tinnitus, Thyroid Problems, Vertigo and much more!!